We are a small team of independent nurses in general care and specialized, we move to the bedside of patients in their homes, EMS or in protected apartments.

Our skills allow us to provide nursing care. We are constantly benefiting from various continuing education courses, because the requirements of our profession as well as the legislation are constantly evolving.

We work in network with private home care organizations, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, hospitals, etc.

We operate 365 days a year on the Neuchâtel coast, Between two lakes and surroundings (BE), Val-de-Ruz

Anne-Catherine Maaz Weidemann

Soins à domicile Neuchâtel et Val-de-Ruz, infirmière à domicile

Experiences in visceral surgery, orthopedic, ophthalmic, palliative care, psychogeriatrics, gerontology, diabetes, oncology.

Authorization to practice in the cantons of Neuchâtel and Berne
(care covered by LaMal) basic insurance

Dog therapy diploma, Wound certificate and Diabetic foot certificate

Specialized knowledge RAI

076 394 76 02

Céline Baudot


Experiences in visceral surgery, orthopedic, ophthalmic, palliative care, psychogeriatrics, gerontology, diabetes, oncology.

Authorization to practice in the cantons of Neuchâtel and Berne
(care covered by LaMal) basic insurance

079 225 55 34

Awista Aziz


Experiences in visceral surgery, orthopedic, ophthalmic, palliative care, psychogeriatrics, gerontology, diabetes, oncology.

Authorization to practice in the cantons of Neuchâtel and Berne
(care covered by LaMal) basic insurance

CAS of Trainer practitioner

French language interpreter – Dari and Farsi

079 565 46 71

Leïla El Khalifa


Experience in internal medicine, general surgery, nephrology, diabetology, gerontology, home care, laboratory-collection center.

Authorization to practice in the cantons of Neuchâtel and Berne
(care covered by LaMal) basic insurance

Certification: diabetic foot, diabetes and technology, awareness of wounds and pressure sores

078 891 61 64